One shot too many.
written @ 9:51 p.m. on 2010-09-25

So i'm at Stephanies grandparents right now waiting for a guy name Spencer to come over and seranade me with his adoriableness. He has a friend with him who Stephanie is going to entertain (i mean that in a literal entertain, good conversation kinda way). Shes taking one for the team cuz let me tell you, Speancers friend Troy is not attractive. He's also black, and i know Steph doesnt swing that way so shes defentally a good friend.
I love Steph. Ever since I dropped Crazy Ahley from my life we have been getting along so well and i know thats because she used every oppurtunity to tear us apart because she was in love with Steph and couldnt bare the thought of Steph having another close friend.
But i have talked way to much about evil Ashley in this diary. If i type the word "ashley" into words search for my diary like fifty entrys pop up. And thats a waste of my time.
I've allready drank too much tonight and need to go lay on the couch. I'll update later and let you know how it went with Sexy Spencer and Scary Troy.
Peace out D land

earlier or later